Energy, Transport & Infrastructure Lawyers
Usher Levi Lawyers are well versed across major projects including energy, transport and infrastructure. We are skilled and experienced on the commercial, construction and real estate aspects of general infrastructure projects and transport projects (particularly rail), including Public Private Partnerships.
Usher Levi can provide you with commercial and legal advice on infrastructure and construction and engineering projects, property development and structured finance arrangements. Our lawyers have advised clients on hotel, residential, commercial, industrial and mixed use developments, roads, gas, water and power projects.
Primarily our lawyers have represented government bodies, funds, investors, developers, sponsors and lenders but they have also acted for consultants, suppliers, contractors and subcontractors.

Usher Levi Lawyers Energy, Transport and Infrastructure Services
Usher Levi Lawyers can provide advice to you on:
- Public Private Partnerships
- Build Own Operate Transfer (BOOT) projects
- Build Own Transfer (BOT) Projects
- Rail related Projects
- Bus related Projects
- Roads and Highways, Bridges and Car parks
- Hospitals and other Healthcare Facilities
- Ports and related Infrastructure
- Desalination Plants
- Waste Water Treatment Plants
- Independent Power and Water Projects
- Independent Power Projects
- Schools
- Airports
- Gas Fired Power Stations
- Heavy Fuel Oil Power Stations
- Coal Fired Power Stations
- Correctional Facilities
- National Heavy Vehicle Accreditation Scheme (NHVAS) – Mass Management Accreditation Australia
Highlights of Usher Levi’s Lawyers Major Projects Transaction Experience
Public Private Partnership (PPP)
- Waste Water Treatment Plant PPP – a consortium as preferred bidder for a Waste Water Treatment Plant PPP project, including negotiating the project agreement with the government, drafting the EPC Contract, O&M Contract and associated subcontracts
- Public Schools – a consortium on all aspects of its bid and subsequently as preferred bidder for the New Public Schools PPP project for the delivery of 345 schools, including negotiating project documentation with the government
- Advising funder on Public Schools PPP – for the delivery of 345 schools; including negotiating the Project Agreement and Direct Agreement with the government and negotiating the Engineer Procure and Construct (EPC) and Operations & Maintenance (O&M) Subcontracts with the sponsors and contractors
- Power Plant PPP and BOT – on the acquisition of a stake in the project company operating power plant undertaken on a PPP, Build Operate Transfer (BOT) basis; including advising on the project documentation such as the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), Off-Take Agreement and O&M Agreement
- Advising consortium of funders –on all aspects of its bid in relation to the PPP for a Waste Water Treatment Plant; including reviewing project documentation and drafting the Direct Agreement in accordance with government specifications
- Major Port PPP – consortium on all aspects of its bid for Port PPP project in respect of the design, financing, construction, operation, maintenance and transfer of the new port as well as the operation, maintenance and transfer of the refurbished Port and Ferry Terminal Project delivered under a PPP structure; including reviewing and negotiating amendments to the Grain Terminal Off-Take Agreement and the Development & Operations Agreement (DOA)
- Freight rail system – government corporation in respect of freight line including drafting and negotiating operation, maintenance and service agreements
- Freight rail system – government rail corporation in relation to construction of rail loop servicing the mining sector
- Passenger rail system –government in respect of an advisory services role for the establishment of the metro system
- Monorail project – operator and maintainer on a monorail project
- Monorail project –contractor on a monorail project
- Tram project – preferred bidder in relation to the operation and maintenance of a tram project
- Tram project – preferred bidder in relation to the operation and maintenance of a tram project
- Light Rail Project – preferred bidder in relation to the operation of the Light Rail Project
- Metro Airport Link – preferred bidder in relation to the operation and maintenance of a Metro Airport Link
- Metro PPP – international operations and maintenance provider in relation to a major Metro PPP
- High-speed Rail Link project – consortium bidding for High-speed Rail Link Project
- Upgrade of Rail System – consortium in relation to their bid to provide consultancy services to government in relation to the Upgrade of Rail System
- Rail Coal Haulage – rail corporation in relation to coal haulage arrangements including drafting and negotiating Coal Haulage Agreement
- Bus Operation Management Office – consultant to a government department in relation to a Bus Operation Management Office
- Highway PPP– consortium on project including advising on the design, construction, refurbishment, operation, maintenance and financing of the motorway
- Highway Upgrade and Overpass – government department on all aspects of the 6km project consisting of 6 lanes, bridge construction and widening, overpasses and interchanges, including advice on the procurement strategies including project structuring, tender submissions, contract selection, preparation of the invitation to tender documents and drafting the Early Contractor. Involvement (ECI) Contract which formed the basis of this project
- Port Access Road – government department in relation to Port Access Road on the application of construction documentation for the construction of a 10km stretch of road linking two main highways with the Port
- Mass Management Accreditation – advising mining services company on all aspects of compliance with NHVAS including documentation and requirements for mass management, fatigue management and maintenance management
Power and Water
- Independent Power Plant Project– fund on its unsuccessful bid to acquire controlling stake in power project
- Acquisition of Power and Water project – purchaser on its acquisition of a 20 per cent. stake in power and water plant and a 50 per cent. stake in the associated operating company
- Advised bidder for Independent Power and Water Production (IWPP) –with their bid for the IWPP
- Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) Fired Power and Desalination Plant and IWPP – advised financiers in connection with the HFO fired power and 1 million m³/d and 1500MW desalination plant and IWPP
- Desalination Project –advised contractor in relation to a desalination project implemented on a Build Own Operate (BOO) basis and then transferred into a BOOT (Build Own Operate Transfer) scheme
- Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) – operator in relation to the Waste Water Treatment Plant
- Waste Water Treatment Plant – contractor in relation to the construction of WWTP implemented on a BOO basis
- Prison PPP – service provider in respect of the delivery of educational services at Prison PPP project, including drafting and negotiating the service agreements
- Juvenile Detention Facility PPP – service provider on the operation and delivery of educational services and rehabilitation services at the Juvenile Detention Facility project; including drafting and negotiating the service agreements